2027 Scholarship Applications Open November 2025

Ad Altiora Ship :: 91Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ, Sydney

Applications for the 2026 Scholarship round are now closed. Applications for the 2027 school year will open in early November 2025.

To be notified when applications for the 2027 round of scholarships open, please contact us to register your interest.

Applications will be invited in the following categories (subject to change without notice):

External students:

  • Academic Scholarship in Years 5-11 in 2027
  • Music Scholarship in Years 5-11 in 2027
  • Performing Arts Scholarship in Years 5-11 in 2027
  • STEM Scholarship in Years 5-11 in 2027
  • Visual Arts Scholarship in Years 9 and 11 in 2027
  • Entrance Scholarship in Years 5-12 in 2027
  • Tom Carr-Boyd Memorial Outdoor Education Scholarship in Year 11 in 2027

Current 91Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ students:

  • Academic Scholarship in Years 5, 7, 9 and 11 in 2027
  • Music Scholarship in Years 5, 7, 9 and 11 in 2027
  • Performing Arts Scholarship in Years 5, 7, 9 and 11 in 2027
  • STEM Scholarship in Years 5, 7, 9 and 11 in 2027
  • Visual Arts Scholarship in Years 9 and 11 in 2027
  • Tom Carr-Boyd Memorial Outdoor Education Scholarship in Year 11 in 2027

Scholarships are offered annually based on available places in each year group. All applicants must sit a competitive exam, administered by an external examiner on a set date with no alternative sessions available.

The scholarship categories are detailed below.

Study Groups - Junior School | 91Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ, Sydney
Cooking - Junior School | 91Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ, Sydney
Senior Academics - Senior School | 91Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ, Sydney
French - Junior School | 91Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ, Sydney
Music - Junior School | 91Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ, Sydney

Scholarship Categories

Ad Altiora Ship :: 91Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ, Sydney

The awarding of a scholarship is subject to the strength of a candidate’s written application, their examination result and, for shortlisted candidates, an interview with the Principal. Some categories also require an audition or the submission of a portfolio of work. In addition to these requirements, a scholar must also:

  • uphold the honour of the School and abide by the Student Code of Conduct;
  • be an active participant in the life of the School, undertaking a minimum of two co-curricular activities per annum;
  • be a positive influence in all their classes;
  • maintain the highest level of effort in all areas of their academic program;
  • seek to serve the School and wider community.

Academic Scholarship

Applicants must undertake an exam and submit a written application.
Available to:
- External students in Years 5-11 in 2027
- Current 91Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ students in Years 5, 7, 9, and 11 in 2027

Music Scholarship

Applicants must undertake an exam, submit a written application, and attend an audition. Scholars are also expected to select and undertake the academic study of Music throughout their enrolment, mentor younger students and contribute actively to the Co-curricular Music Program of the School. Students applying for the Music Scholarship are expected to have reached the following levels of attainment on their primary instrument:
Year 5-6: Completed AMEB Grade 2 or equivalent
Year 7-8: Completed AMEB Grade 3 or equivalent

Available to:
- External students in Years 5-11 in 2027
- Current 91Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ students in Years 5, 7, 9, and 11 in 2027

Performing Arts Scholarship

Applicants must undertake an exam, submit a written application, and attend an audition. Scholars are also expected to select and undertake the academic study of Drama throughout their enrolment, mentor younger students and contribute actively to the Co-curricular Drama Program of the School.
Available to:
- External students in Years 5-11 in 2027
- Current 91Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ students in Years 5, 7, 9, and 11 in 2027

STEM Scholarship

Applicants must undertake an exam, submit a written application, and submit a portfolio of work. Scholars are also expected to select and undertake the academic study of STEM subjects throughout their enrolment, mentor younger students and contribute actively to the Co-curricular STEM Program of the School.
Available to:
- External students in Years 5-11 in 2027
- Current 91Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ students in Years 5, 7, 9, and 11 in 2027

Visual Arts Scholarship

Applicants must undertake an exam, submit a written application, and submit a portfolio of work. Scholars are also expected to select and undertake the academic study of Visual Arts throughout their enrolment, mentor younger students and contribute actively to the Co-curricular Visual Arts Program of the School.
Available to:
- External students in Years 9 and 11 in 2027
- Current 91Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ students in Years 9 and 11 in 2027

Entrance Scholarship

Applicants must undertake an exam and submit a written application. This scholarship seeks evidence of an engaged learner with wide-ranging interests and who is involved in many areas of their school’s life. Qualities of character that candidates may wish to describe through example could include altruism, Christian faith, leadership and citizenship.

Available to:
- External students in Years 5-12 in 2027

Tom Carr-Boyd Memorial Outdoor Educational Scholarship

This Scholarship is awarded to an applicant who embraces the beauty and physical challenge of the outdoor environment and will strive to respect and preserve the wilderness. The scholar will demonstrate selflessness within the membership of a team, thoughtfulness and fairness in leadership and have a disposition which contributes positively to the aims and goals of the group. The Scholar is expected to undertake the next applicable level of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme and participate in a School sport as one of two School-based co-curricular activities. Recipients are required to study Outdoor Leadership as one of their courses for the duration of their study at 91Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ.

Available to one student only:
- External students in Year 11 in 2027
- Current 91Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ students in Year 11 in 2027

Library - Junior School :: 91Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ, Sydney

We're Here to Help

Ad Altiora Ship :: 91Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ, Sydney

91Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ also has a wide range of financial assistance options.

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Ad Altiora Ship :: 91Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ, Sydney

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